My first try

作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2023/9/24 14:57:00    浏览:500

同学们,在过去的学习生活中,你一定经历过很多次尝试,可能有成功、有失败、有欣喜、有泪水……请以“My First Try”为题,用英语写一篇短文,记录你成长中的第一次尝试。




                               My First Try

When it comes to the topic of “My First Try”,

My Fist Try

When it comes to the topic of “My First Try”, I’ll never forget the meaningful experience I had in this summer.

It was my first time to be a volunteer. As a member of Animal Helpers, I volunteered to be responsible for washing, feeding and playing with homeless dogs. At the same time, I took some photos of them and made posters online to call on more people to give a hand. Through my efforts, over eight dogs were lucky to find their new homes. When I saw them taken good care of and they brought the people much fun, I got such a strong feeling of pride and achievement.

I realize that each life is important and the tiny things I do can make a difference.

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