
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2023/11/16 9:04:00    浏览:475

Paragraph 1:

 A struggle was going on in my mind. My sight rested on these black Penny Loafers on the rack, an urge of buying a new pair bursting in my mind. In the meanwhile, flashing before my eyes were my Dad’s old, black, torn shoes with mended soles and the spliced laces. Suddenly I felt my heart ache badly, an inner voice keeping on telling me that Dad needed new shoes much more than I. With no intention to keep up with fashion, I bought a pair of young version of Dad’s shoes.

Paragraph 2:

I ran back to the place where he worked and put Dad’s new shoes on the seat in his car. I looked out of the car window. Into my eyesight was the scene where my father was working under a car, with occasional clanks clearly heard. I waited on the seat until Dad finished his work. After what seemed a good while, he came back into the car, weak and tired. When he saw the new shoes, his face lit up. “You’ve grown up!” Dad said, excited and satisfied. Smiling at him, I knew what I should focus on, determined to study hard to live Dad’s expectations.

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