
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2024/1/22 12:37:00    浏览:72

Paragraph 1:

When the ball came towards me, I froze. My teammates were very tired and seemed worried. The opponents rushed towards me. Without thinking anymore, I found courage, and I kicked the ball with all my strength. The opponents didn’t think highly of me, so they didn’t think that I would be able to kick the ball so powerfully. As I kicked, the goalkeeper jumped towards the ball but missed it.

Paragraph 2:

Our team, The Big Blues, won the match! All my teammates ran towards me to lift me in the air. Since that day, I have gained some confidence and started to play better. My coach and teammates are also content with me and they try to improve my skills every time I play. Now I have realized that I always liked this sport, but my problem with it had something to do with the lack of encouragement I got. Now I can build on my confidence and I’ve realized I can also play this sport very well.

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