
作者:刘亚波    发布时间:2024/6/19 17:25:00    浏览:45


1. 你完成的作品

2. 你的感想。注意:



 Dear Chris

   I’ writing to share you an art lesson we had in a park last Friday.


Yours sincerely Li Hua

Dear Chris,

 I’ writing to share you an art lesson we had in a park last Friday. You cannot imagine how meaningful and interesting it was!

 We were tasked to draw or paint something that impressed us most. Inspired by the fantastic scenery, I decided to create a watercolor painting of the small bridge over the park's pond, surrounded by blooming flowers. The entire experience was incredibly refreshing. Being surrounded by nature not only sparked my creativity but also offered a much-needed break from the usual hustle and bustle of school life. I felt a deep sense of peace as I painted. In a word, It was not just an art class; it was a moment of connection with nature that I truly cherished.

 How have your classes been lately? I would love to hear about them.Take care and write back soon!

 Yours sincerely Li Hua


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